Twelve Step Within Committee
This committee brings the message of recovery to suffering compulsive eaters within the fellowship by hosting events like Gratitude Luncheons,
Recovery from Relapse Workshops, lunch and Learn events, and supporting member groups doing similar functions.
This committee focuses on strengthening and supporting the recovery and abstinence of current OA members by organizing
special events and supporting member groups hosting events. In recent years, Intergroup has hosted lunch and learns,
a gratitude luncheon, a walk a thon fund raiser and coordinated with member groups for other special events like a SOAR speaker jam and sponsorship workshops.
The committee is responsible for maintaining the Speaker/Sponsor List published in the newsletter.
OA World Service 12 Step Within committee for more
information. The goal of the Twelve Step Within Committee is to be the focal point for six events a year in addition to supporting groups with
other activities. The six events are three lunch and learns, a gratitude workshop, a walk a thon, a recovery from relapse workshop.
a relapse from recovery workshop. For planning purposes assume the retreats are in April and October
January |
Lunch and Learn 1 (Tools) |
February |
March |
Gratitude Workshop |
April |
Triangle Intergroup Retreat |
May |
Lunch and Learn 2 (Sponsorship ??) |
June |
July |
Walk a Thon |
August |
September |
Lunch and Learn 3 (Traditions ??) |
October |
Possible Triangle Intergroup Retreat |
November |
Recovery from Relapse Workshop |
December |
Email Address
The mailing address set up for this committee is
Click on the following link to learn about setting up and using mailing
addresses for this committee. Read important information about
starting a service position ,
reporting to Intergroup and leaving a service position
Contact the Vice Chair for the location of resources associated with the Twelve Step Within Committee.
Document Purpose
This document is designed for and by the Triangle OA Intergroup's Twelve Step Within Committee and describes the policies and procedures past members used. The basic purpose of the committee is
described in the Intergroup's general policy document.
Information relevant to all committees and committee chairs is in the Triangle Intergroup Bylaws. It is recommended that
all committee chairs review committee information in the bylaws at the beginning of their terms to
understand basic Intergroup committee policy for budgets, authority,
and responsibilities. Click on the following link to review the bylaws
section on Standing Committees.
The abstinence requirements for committee chairs are contained
Qualifications for All Committee Chairs
The Twelve Step Within Committee has used funds to host lunch and learns, gratitude luncheons and other events. The 2015 budget includes
$150 for the three lunch and learns. There was no seed money needed for the WalkAThon. If the gratitude event and the Recovery from
Relapse workshops require the prepayment of a facility, Intergroup can be asked for seed money. In December 2014, there was no
bank account for the 12 Step Within Committee and no separate line item in the budget so all requests will need to be presented to
the Intergroup during the course of the year.
This committee has the following resources
- A 12 Step Within Workbook
- {hard copy or PDF?}.
- Event Planning Suggestions
- Ideas for planning events
- 2014 Gratitude Luncheon Flyer
- picture of last year's flyer {Where is the flyer?}
- Recovery from Relapse Flyer
- picture of last year's flyer (Where is the flyer?)
- 2014 Walk a Thon Flyer
- PDF of flyer
- Event Venues
- A list of locations for 12 Step Within Events {Should we create this}
Resources for Events
As soon as possible select a location, date, time and focus for an event. When considering the costs of a location,
consider that events should be self supporting, in that the 7th tradition collected
is equal to or exceeds the cost of the event. The 12 Step Committee has a budget for events established in November for the
coming year. This is seed money for the first event.
See the following policy and procedures for useful information. {List Event Resource}
Links to Twelve Step Within Resources from OA World Service and SOAR
The following links are from OA World Service and SOAR
Recovery from Relapse Workshop
In 2014 the Intergroup hosted a Relapse from Recovery workshop with three speakers.
- Set the date with the church and the Intergroup
- Have the treasurer pay the church
- Coordinate with the Media Librarian to select speakers and topics
- Advertise the events. Be sure to get it on the website calendar
- Arrange to have the appropriate media player, signs for people that
usually don't come to Intergroup to find the room and the recorded
- Decide how the activity with run
- Ask someone to facility the meeting. Keep time??
Lunch and Learn
Lunch and Learns are held three times a year after the Triangle OA Intergroup meeting and feature recorded speakers on
recovery topics.
- Determine the dates and confirm the Dixie Trail Church is available.
Confirm the cost for renting the lunch room from 12:30 to 2:30.
- Have the treasurer pay the church
- Coordinate with the Media Librarian to select speakers and topics
- Advertise the events. Be sure to get it on the website calendar
- Arrange to have the appropriate media player, signs for people that usually don't come to Intergroup to find the room and the recorded
- Decide how the activity with run
- Ask someone to facility the meeting. Keep time??
In 2014 Intergroup hosted a gratitude luncheon and the Cary group hosted a gratitude workshop. A bring your own luncheon, or a pre-published salad bar, or a meal that is
put together by members could work.
Considerations for catered lunches, bring your own lunches. Bring your own luncheon, or a pre-published salad bar, or a meal that is
put together by members could work.
- Look for possible locations to determine facility and costs.
- See the special events web page for ideas. The first gratitude event had a mindfulness meditation, an arts project where people decorated a fork with beads, a speaker, small group activities, and
group sharing.
- Advertise the events. Be sure to get it on the website calendar
- Arrange to have the appropriate media player, signs for people that usually don't come to
Intergroup to find the room and the recorded
- Decide how the activity will run. Keep time??
In 2014 Intergroup sponsored a walk a thon to raise money for SOAR. It was also a great opportunity to share recovery by
walking together. It was held on the Durham Tobacco Trail in Durham.
Considerations for walk a thons.
- Need a driver in case people decide to stop early, use chalk, signs to mark the trail, have water stations.
- Have an entry table with sign in and finish.
- Coordinate with Parks and Rec to ensure no other events are happening. {Patrick to add}
- Advertise the events. Be sure to get it on the website calendar
- The flyer from last year's event
Maintaining the Speaker/Sponsor List
The speaker/sponsor list is distributed in the newsletter monthly. Periodically and at least once a year the
12 Step Within Committee contacts
all the speakers on the list and determines if the person is still available and the contact
information is correct and current.
Email changes to Encourage people to add their names to the list.
When a person adds the name to the list
let them know the information will be distributed in the newsletter and is available on the
internet which means search engines may find the number.