Over the years, Overeaters Anonymous (OA) members have come to learn many of the questions newcomers have about our program of recovery from compulsive eating. We had the same questions before we joined. Members of Overeaters Anonymous have compiled this list of questions and answers which we hope will help you understand OA. These represent the views of our intergroup and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Overeaters Anonymous as a whole. If your question is not answered here, please get in touch with us.

Will OA help me lose weight?
How can I lose weight?
Is OA a diet?
What and how much am I allowed to eat?
I'm not an overeater, but food is a problem. Can OA help me?
Can OA help anorexics and bulimics?
I've had gastric bypass surgery. Can OA help me?
I'm a teen. Can OA help me?
My wife (husband, friend, son, daughter, lover, priest, boss etc.) really needs help. What can I do to help?
How much does OA cost?
I heard I have to get a sponsor and do what (s)he says. I don’t want a sponsor. Can I still join?
How do I join?
How do I find a meeting near me?
How can I get more information about a meeting before attending?
Are there telephone or online meetings?
Who can attend OA meetings?
I went to a meeting 6 years ago and it wasn't for me. Why should I come back?
What kinds of OA meetings are available?
Why do people continue to attend OA meetings after they lose weight?
Is OA a religion?
Do I have to believe in God to be a member?
Is OA affiliated with AA or any other 12-step fellowship or medical group interested in obesity?
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